Haha, I called shotgun!
We jumpped onto a back country jeep tour this day and had a BLAST!
it wasn't as wild as we thought it was going to be, but we did have a very drunk very crazy redneck family driving about 3 of the jeeps in our caravan that made the day MORE then interesting!!! The actual guide didn't much car for them, because they were running the jeeps hard (gunning it at potholes, waterholes, all rough areas) and he was getting quite annoyed....we thought they were a hoot and knew they would be from the start when one of the crazy groups gave their jeep the name of "Nickoli likes Vodka" we all had to give our jeeps a name to keep in contact over the radio and know who was talking to whom. So that was our first indication they were going to be a wild bunch... :) After about an hour we get to our final destination and have a bite of dinner (most of the tours end in food, we like that!)
Once we are all done and fed, we load everyone back up into their designated jeeps and get ready to take off.
The tour guide went back and asked the crazy group to ease up on the jeeps or else something would most likely bust on it. Thinking all was well he got into our jeep and off we went.....
wasn't more then 20 minutes back on the trail the the nutters start going ape on the road again, after multiple attempts to make them stop over the radio, he finally gave up and said he was going to black list them for the tour if they ever tried to take it again (i'm sure this was a one time trip to alaska for them and they wouldn't be too broken up about that...but i decided not to test our drivers patience just then...) anywho not another 10 minutes after his warning but we get a radio call saying we lost one of our numbers behind several miles (we were the lead jeep and needed the back jeeps to let us know if someone went missing)
So after a very tricky turn around on a very precarious patch of trail we make it back to our fallen comrade and lo n behold, the idiot BROKE the jeep!!! in a HUGE waterhole no less!!!
So we had to ghetto latch it onto our jeep and TOW it back to base, on a normal road that isn't much of a problemo, but this was very rough VERY harsh Alaskan terrain and the going was slow and tedious.
So we had to ghetto latch it onto our jeep and TOW it back to base, on a normal road that isn't much of a problemo, but this was very rough VERY harsh Alaskan terrain and the going was slow and tedious.
our poor tour guide (orange jacket) hooking up the jeep to tow.
If you notice on this last picture how our once in TACT tow cable is now snapped and then TIED back together....that happened along the way and turns out that was the only cable any of the jeeps had, it was surprisingly the rednecks idea to tie it...and go figure, it held!!!
All in all it was a very hilarious end to a very fun day, even if our tour guide wanted to make redneck stew with the various body parts he hacked from the dorks that broke the jeep after multiple warnings, i thought it just gave us all a very good story to tell at the end of our tour!
plus I think they finally learned their lesson to obey the guide after about 3 hours of jeering and ridicule from everyone of us in the other jeeps. hahaha